National development is the development of Indonesia as a whole and the development of the whole people of Indonesia, to the society forward, fair and prosperous society based on Pancasila. Health development as an integral part of national development aimed at achieving the ability to live a healthy life for every resident in order to achieve an optimal degree of public health. (Anonymous, 2009).
One of the health development is development in the field of medicine, among others, aims to ensure the availability of quality drugs with the proper type and amount, spread evenly and regularly so easily obtained by the public when needed. (Anonymous, 1994).
Pharmacy is one of health care facilities in helping to realize the achievement of optimal health for the community, while also as a place of devotion and practice of the profession in doing pekrjaan pharmacy pharmacist. In terms of helping people to achieve optimal health status, the pharmacist at the pharmacy must always be present and ready to perform professional duties in accordance with the knowledge they have is to do counseling, information, and edukan to the public about the drugs he received. The role of pharmacists in a pharmacy that is not less important is the manager, which manages resources in pharmacy pharmacy with a maximum in order to develop well. That role should be owned by a pharmacist and must be implemented in tandem. (Hartini & Sulasmono, 2006).
Drugs are substances that put to use in establishing the diagnosis, prevent, reduce, eliminate and cure diseases or symptoms of disease. The government classifies drugs into four categories, namely hard drugs, narcotic drugs, drugs that include the sale of restricted drugs, OTC drugs, as well as mandatory drug pharmacy (Moh. Anief, 2000).
One drug that is classified as hard drugs klidibrax. This klidibrak drug is a drug which is an antispasmodic drug classes that have properties as smooth muscle relaxants. Kordiazepoksida Klidibrax a combination of power has anti-anxiety and Klidinium Bromide which has the effect of anticholinergic / spasmolitik.
Storage of drugs every drug that comes with the card stock is stored to record every mutation of drugs. Drug storage should be such so as to facilitate the distribution of drugs in a FIFO (first in first out), the remaining stock of last year used earlier than the procurement of new drugs to prevent the occurrence of damaged or expired drugs. (Ansari, 2009).
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